Thursday, April 8, 2010

Difference of LFB /RFB

What is the difference, and how does it work? Do you have to charge it to your room and they take care of your food and beverages? I know i get free rooms, but limited on the food. I never charge stuff to my room, so I don%26#39;t know how this works

Difference of LFB /RFB

LFB covers most non-gourmet restaurants. RFB covers basically anything. There are some things that RFB doesn%26#39;t cover, so be aware before you assume -- for example, I believe the Starbucks at Showboat isn%26#39;t covered under RFB.

For the three Harrahs properties aside from Caesars, you charge to your room and the charges are automatically removed if they are valid (non-gourmet and one or two people, or under a certain price, depending on what you%26#39;re being set up with). At Caesars, it works a bit differently; a host has to actually approve the charges before they are removed, it%26#39;s not automatic. Most likely, at the other three properties, you%26#39;ll never see the charge appear on your account.

If in doubt, ask your host what restaurants are covered under your LFB, and how many people are covered.

Bottles of wine are typically also not included, but glasses of wine are. Most (all?) bar charges should be covered, too.

Difference of LFB /RFB


RFB/LFB only comes into effect after all of your comps have been used.

They will take all of your comps that are in your account, BEFORE, they pick up the charges!

but I don%26#39;t ever have what zero describes at Caesars. They pick up my charges the same at all HET properties. The only time a host needs to get involved is if a charge is mis-coded, then they will ask my host to remove it (which he always does)


I%26#39;ve never heard of a host having to review each charge @ Caesars. That sounds a little cumbersome.

I%26#39;m staying at Caesars for the first time next trip and report back with what I find. :)


Zeromus is right. I have had problems at Caesars and that is what they told me...charges must be reviewed and approved. At Harrahs...never a problem.


speaking of which.......DH and I will be staying at Harrahs on 6/11/12 and 13 - we have been told we are RFB. Now if I happen to be at Caesars and want to eat at Caesars instead of going all the way back to Harrahs - can I sign back to my room at Harrahs and expect that RFB will pick it up?

While it seems impossible to get a straight answer from Harrahs on this - it has been my experience that you can charge back from Caesars to Harrahs.

I have only had a problem charging back to Harrahs from Showboat and vice versa.

If the charges show up on your bill call a host and they can remove them (at their discretion of course).

Oh - but make sure you have that little slip of paper they give you at checkin with you at all times. They normally don%26#39;t ask for ID - but they always want that little paper thing.

I don%26#39;t think a host reviews charges for everyone at Caesars, I know they didn%26#39;t for me. For example, we had a very late-night meal last Saturday, I walked right upstairs at 410AM and checked my folio, charge for meal was not there, just tip. Same thing the next night, grabbed a round of drinks at Toga, took them upstairs about 230AM, charge not there, just tip. If there is a host manually approving every charge, they work 24 hours a day, and process each charge in under 3 minutes, LOL. If I eat at Kwi on LFB, I do have to have it manually approved by a host, but that%26#39;s because it%26#39;s not an LFB place. When I called the host about KWI, i asked him about the other charges never hitting my room, and he said if there is no history of ';comp abuse'; they do not have to go through them and approve them manually. But, if you have ';overcharged'; in the past, you will be scrutinized a little closer.

Do u have to be a certain level of player? I am only a platinum and i don%26#39;t have a host

%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;Do u have to be a certain level of player? I am only a platinum and i don%26#39;t have a host.%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;

I have never been offered RFB but I have been offered LFB a few times.

Based on JUST my own experience, I%26#39;d say you have to play fairly heavily---put $$$$ through machines at a fairly steady rate and drop close to a K of your own. I can%26#39;t think it would ever be given to a visitor who spent most of the time at the beach or in a club and dropped two or three hundred over three days, JMHO

I was also offered LFB following a fairly decent--not a hand pay -- win at Harrah%26#39;s.

Since we (Sis and I) usually hoard our comps to treat family members, to visit the spa or to use in Vegas, LFB doesn%26#39;t matter much to us.

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